Monday, July 8, 2024

Yes, I'm Still Alive!

It's been a while (I seem to always say this whenever it's been awhile)

It's been a slog of a year; I've been slaving away at my IQ-lowering job and sketching out my usual circle of characters over and over while working on newer characters and stories with nothing worth posting on the usual Internet pages.

I really hate to use the term "comfort characters," but I think I can't deny it anymore: I definitely have a gang of characters that I just love doodling the hell out of.
Maybe it's no secret that some of the characters of "Propinquity" have been my main source of comfort characters, and then some characters from "Class of 2422" were included, and then some from "Austin & Jennifer."

Speaking of which! Check this out!
I finally started roughing out the first comic book episode of "Austin& Jennifer!"
Of course, I have more than just the cover roughed out at this moment in time.

Maybe it's way too early to show this off since I just started roughing things out, but it's been too long since I updated any of my online pages since I had nothing to present.

...well, I did want to introduce a new story/character on my main online pages (since I've been hyped over this new idea over the past year), but for now, you can see this new character in action in a storyboard I completed very recently for my portfolio site located under the lunch lady board. Consider it a premature reveal for Trevor Centauri; a proper one will be out in the later future.

But hey! New comic book! I've never been satisfied with how I debuted "Austin & Jennifer" in the past, but I really hope this comic book finally does them justice! Again, maybe it's too early to say this, but I'm planning a three (maybe five?) episode run of "Austin & Jennifer."

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year 2024!

Phew, glad that year is over. Now it's time to ring in 2024!

I think this is the first time we see the main cast of "Mr. Ridiculous" all drawn up together and colored in a real illustration! That's so ridiculous! Hope we see more of this crazy cast later this year, along with characters from a new story I've been doodling behind the scenes.


Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas 2023!

The year's almost over! But first, we must have our Christmas before the year ends!

I realized that the last time Mandy and Sally were exclusively featured for the Christmas artwork was back in 2017, and since the two headlined their own comic book earlier this year, I figured that it's best for the two to be the main leads for this Christmas's art!

Oh look! The demon Saccharo also wanted to join in on the holiday festivities!

Speaking of the comic book, I'll be offering "The Summoning on All Hallows' Eve" comic book as a free download again as my gift tom you guys for the holiday season! It'll be available for a limited time until January 1, 2024!
Head on over to and click on the "Propinquity" page to find the link!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Summoning on All Hallows' Eve

Hey guys! Guess what?

My newest comic book "Tales of Propinquity: The Summoning on All Hallows' Eve" is now available to read directly on this blog site!

Click riiiiight around here to head over to the subpage that contains a Google Slides presentation of the entire comic! Or if you're visiting on a desktop, the link can also be found on the right sidebar of this page underneath the "Page of Links" link.

Have fun reading and I hope you enjoy the comic book!